Aimfill will treat you the way you want to be treated - by CEO,Mr. Fazil Mohammed Basheer.
Unique features
Aimfill international "world's no.1 most renowned name in air hostess training" , top ranked and fund granted by NSDC- Skill India by Ministry of Skill Development, awarded by Aviation and Aerospace Sector Skill Council of India, Beauty and Wellness Sector Skill Council of India & Tourism and Hospitality Sector Skill Council of India, Internationally regulated through UFLY - OFQUAL UK England, with (NSQF) National Standard for Qualification Framework & SMART Standards 15 years of Aimfill's journey created milestones time and again with a huge success state of highness. The exponential growth demand and the quality of training through intellectual property development was a strategical move making Aimfill as an identified Training Provider and (PIA) Project Implementation Agency for Skill training Projects under Ministry of Skill Development & Ministry of Rural Development (MORD) Award Winning Aimfill placements and academic team with huge experience in aviation and grooming sector, made a remarkable history inspiring & placing one million+ Students Wold wide in last 15 years, the team have achieved the immense record of 3480 Placement in just 365 days Choose Aimfill and be successful !! Your success is our milestone, the upcoming years are awaiting to set million more foot prints of success.